

Friday, June 15, 2007

Everybody has words that are a staple to their everyday vocabulary.

Mine are "oops" and "seriously" (ok, and "like", but I am like totally trying stop that one...seriously!".

I think my dad repeats the Serenity Prayer when he is dealing with me.....

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change;


"Ok, Dad, I got the a/c checked on my car...the guy said he doesn't know what's wrong with it! He said they added more freon and vacuumed out the system, but it's still not working. The compressor is cycling but no cold air!"

"What guy Amy?"

"The Jiffy Lube guy. He said for me to check the spark plugs, cuz that's all he can think of."

"The what?!?"

"The spark plugs."

"Amy....(he always says my name and then follows with a long pause when he is frustrated with me)....are you SURE he said spark plugs?"

"Yeah, and I checked the spark plug for the a/c but it is fine. I told him that didn't make sense because the compressor wouldn't start at all if it was the spark plug."

"Wait you checked the spark plug?"

"Yeah, Dad, what's wrong?"

"Amy.....(another long pause)....where were the spark plugs you checked?"

"Well, there are some in the car and some in the engine, in the box know they are all different colors and say either 10, 20 or 40."

courage to change the things I can;

"Oh sweet *&##%#% (I'll let you fill in the blank here.), Amy, those are fuses, not spark plugs....whatever you do, don't go in the A/C place and tell them you checked the spark plugs. They will take you for everything you've got!"

"Oh, well, geez dad, you know what I meant!"

and the wisdom to know the difference.


"Dad, the A/C guy says I need a whole new compressor and kind of valve thingy."

"Amy, are you still at the repair shop?"

"Yes sir."

"Then just hand the nice man your phone honey."

10 minutes later the guy hands me back my phone:

"Ok, Amy they are going to take you home now and your car will be ready tomorrow. Can you find a ride to work in the morning?"

"Yes sir, what is wrong with my a/c."



"It's the spark plugs."

"You are not funny!"

Chuckles come over the line.


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