

Monday, July 16, 2007

I joined!

Hi Readers!!!!

I have taken my mother's advise ... as I am usually apt to do ... and I have started blogging FOR REAL.

I love this outlet! Many of you that know me, know that I LOVE to talk. I can talk much longer than most people care to stick around and listen. So, this is GREAT! I can "talk" to my heart's content on here. Of course, in my head you are all clamoring to your computers every day to see if I have left you some new pearl of wisdom (not likely) or some humorous anecdote to make you smile (much more likely).

In reality, I would love for you guys to be as receptive as you have been on the-site-who-won't-be-named (yes Mindy, there's some Potter reference for you). But since could be renamed and be just as descriptive, you should know, this really isn't about you.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the feedback! PLEASE I NEED TO FEEL YOUR LOVE!!!

Ok, in all seriousness I am really excited about this so we'll see how it goes!

I am re-posting most of my other posts from that other site....and then the chaos begins!!!

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