

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Too close for missles, I'm switching to guns.

I honestly have the coolest family in the world! (For those of you that get sick of me ranting and raving about my parents just better stop reading now!)

My mom's side of the family has a family reunion every year. We used to get together at Thanksgiving but we have moved it to the summer when kids are out of school and it is easier to travel.

The last couple of years we have moved around from rafting the white waters in the mountains of Colorado to playing on the beach in California.....

The point is we like to have a good time....and we play HARD!
This year my parents and my mom's brother and sister brought it back to Texas! We spent the weekend at Canyon Lake, TX on the water.....good times!
My dad brought his boat, which seats about 15 people comfortably and our jet ski and we all skied and tubed until we just couldn't stand it.
We shopped and floated the river and got caught up on everything we missed in the past year.
I would just like to give a standing ovation to my mom and dad! My mom and Aunt Kathy and Aunt Jo (Hi Uncle Jo!) planned this whole fiasco. Those wonderful ladies cooked GREAT meals for fifty-five people every night we were there!
My dad hauled his boat, the jet ski, his smoker, his grill, two fish frier's, two huge pots for the shrimp boil and all the propane and paraphernalia associated with all of that from his house to the lake. The trip usually takes about five hours. It took them nine.
Once they were here, my dad spent all his time driving the boat to teach kids to ski and tube and whatever else they wanted. My brother was a HUGE help as well. He really is so knowledgeable when it comes to all that stuff.
Jared's girlfriend....I mean Roxy's mom....I mean Jenny was there this year and got to meet everyone. She is just the sweetest most helpful girl on the planet. JARED WAYNE....YOU HAD BETTER KEEP HER!!!!
I know I got credit for a lot this year, because I wrote the letters and bulletins through out the year to keep everyone informed. BUT I DON'T DESERVE IT!!!! This was a group any good family gathering usually is.
We had families come from all over California, Colorado, Kansas, Louisiana and of course, Texas. I love this group and I can't wait until next year!
San Diego....HERE WE COME!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey guys, Royce & Johanna here (and Ainsley) it was great to see you all (I hope it stopped raining out there by now!). Cool site Amy.