

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Mellow Yellow

Today has made me mad from the get go.....but I refuse to even get into it....all I have been doing lately is feeling sorry for myself....even I am getting tired of I am sure you guys are full to here (you can't see me right now but I put my hand up to the top of my head).

Maybe it didn't help that yesterday began and ended on such a high note.

I started my new job yesterday. It is just a typical job, doing typical stuff, but I do NOT have to work nights and weekends anymore, I do NOT get cussed out every other call, and I work in a yellow room.

I know that may not seem like much to you, but to me, it is awesome. Most offices are a lovely Institutional White, Brain numbing Beige, or (my personal favorite) Sky Blue (you were expecting another made-up paint name weren't you....well, I gotta keep you on your toes). Guys, painting the walls Sky Blue does not make me think I am just makes me wish I were outside all the more.

My new office is BRIGHT yellow, and we don't sit in cubes. We sit facing OPEN windows that lead out into a yard that little girls play in at various times of the day! It's like a room full of happiness! (Ok, so there is one little, tiny, minuscule downside.....these little girls have a sometimes the whole open window thing is a little disturbing....but I am trying to focus on the positive here! Geez.... you are so negative.)

Anyway, so I went to work for a while in my lovely yellow room, then my friend Logan called....
he had a craving for homemade burgers and fries. So he called to invite me to eat them with him.

Woo Hoo!

I do love a good burger (I know it is NOT conducive to the whole Christy Brinkley physique I am working towards....but hey it was HOMEMADE burgers and fries....give a girl a break!). But, right after I get the invite for dinner, I get a call back telling me he forgot the gas hadn't been tuned on in their house yet (they just moved into a new house this weekend). So guess what.....he still wants burgers....but can he cook them at my house?

Are you kidding want to cook me dinner and I don't even have to go anywhere? Oh heck yeah!

While he was cooking dinner, I was registering for the Spring semester.....I am signed up for 8 hours of grueling classes (Organic Chemistry, Biology II and BIO Lab), my last 3 hours of general studies (woo hoo!) (History), and those of you that can add realize that is only 11 hours. I need at least 12 hours to be considered full-time. So....what can I take to get that last hour of credit and not add another HARD calculus or physics......

So I started playing around with the course catalog, seeing what I could find....first I weeded out Basket Weaving....lost art, maybe....something I am willing to pay almost $1000 a class to learn....not even close. That reasoning was also the downfall of Beginners Yiddish, Philosophy and Star Trek, and Daytime Soap Operas: Family and Social Roles.

But then, what do my wondering eyes behold......Swimming: A Water Workout! One hour a week and I get to swim! That puts me at 12 hours! Oh be still my beating heart! But wait....what is this.....Intermediate Co-ed Softball! Oh man! Which do I choose?

I DON'T! I am taking them both! Next semester, three days a week I am in a pool, and the other two days I am on a softball field! HEAVEN.....I'M IN HEAVEN.....oh all those science classes and stuff too!

So now I am sitting in the gym deli after swimming to let off some of the steam of today.....and Tigger just walked by....and a vampire.....and a caveman.....maybe today will be better after all!

Happy Halloween!

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