

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Clue! the gym with the pool buoy!

Top 10 Clues I am becoming a gym rat:

10) We have no carpet and our house needs dusting....A LOT. But, usually NOT the showers.....however, when you use the one at the gym everyday...well, ewwwww.

9) I bought extra sets of cheap hair products and make-up to keep at the gym....but the cheap ones all ended up at home and there is about 100 dollars worth of hair gel in my gym locker.

8) I got invited to the Back To School Party at the house of the guy that swipes the membership cards at the door. His name is Tim.

7) The girl with the locker under me left a note on my locker telling me she likes my perfume. It's a good thing because it usually smells like it in there.....(is that too weird?)

6) My personal trainer gave me a birthday card.

5) I have owned my new purple speedo for not even two months, but it is already too big!

4) Everything I own smells faintly of chlorine.....I mean everything...even Chloe a little...hmmmm......

3) I used to recognize people on campus from classes I have taken. It was "Hey, there's the girl from Gov that always wears those orange Crocs." or "Oooooh, there's hot guy from calculus." (Ok, that one is made up....there are NO hot guys in calculus.) You get the point. Now it's "Hey, it's the guy who swims in the fast lane, but is sooooo not fast lane worthy." and "Oooooh, there's the girl who thinks that the second treadmill from the end is her own personal treadmill and Lord help you if you are on it when she gets there."

2) I caught myself mentally re-arranging my class schedule in respect to proximity to the gym.

and finally........

1) School has been out for two weeks and I STILL have been on campus everyday....and that's just sad!

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