That is it!!!!!!!! I have had it!!!!!!!
I NEVER start a political dialogue. I abhor them (that means I hate them)! But the comments some people are making have forced me to weigh in on this subject.....
Here is the thing with politics in general. We aren't voting for Good vs. Evil. We are voting for PEOPLE. People are never either all wrong or all right. So, depending on the priorities in your life at that specific time, different candidates are going to appeal to you.
This country was founded on the belief that no one person (or monarch) can always be the deciding voice of the people. For that reasons a system of checks and balances has been inserted into the very framework by which this nation is run. But, we do elect someone every four years to sit at the head of that system.
In the interest of full disclosure, I will tell you who I voted for. John McCain. If I had my druthers, John McCain would be my president now. You don't have to agree with me and THAT IS THE POINT! We all had a chance to give our opinions in the months leading up to the election and finally by casting your ballot on election day.
If the man you voted for is now awaiting his arrival to the oval office, congratulations...your voice was heard. If not, this is when the work actually starts. The hard part is not to celebrate with the winner you voted for....the hard part is to support YOUR president even if you didn't vote for him. Like it or not Barack Obama is now the Commander and Chief. I doubted his ability to follow through on his promises...but I HOPE that he IS the man that brings the CHANGE and unity this country so badly needs.
So, the time has come for all of us Republicans out there to try something the Democrats have spent the last four years proving they could NEVER your elected leader!
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14 years ago
Ditto!! :)
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