

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

"I'm your father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate." - Spaceballs

I SWORE I would not live in a house with three girls ever again......especially not a house with three girls and three dogs....been there, done SUCKED!

However, albeit temporarily, I once again find myself in a seemingly similar situation....but this time...

Me and Sarah....technically she is the girlfriend of my roommate Tim who is in Alaska for the summer....but she is living in his room for the time being....with her dog Spencer.

When you get REALLY bored one sunny summer day....and the estrogen is our house, the wigs fly.....

Me channeling Betty Boop..... hair really brings out my darker side....

Me "Boop-Oop-A-Doop"-in....with Brin and her LONG brown hair piece (it's me)....she is my girl roommate that is permanent (along with the boys in Alaska).

My black wig....Brin's brown hair piece....and Sarah's Blond wig!


Then the dogs got in on the fun....

Chloe as Betty....

Rasta as Veronica....

This time around....we are having MUCH more fun!

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