

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Wendy the Water Polo Witch

Boys and started this week.....

Yeah, I said it.....the phrase that strikes fear into the heart, of children, students, parents, teachers, bus drivers and lunch ladies worldwide......

For me, however, I have been kinda looking forward to this semester....after the dust settled on last semester, the score was BIO, CHEM and CALC - 0......Amy - 1. I really kicked last semester's tail (see Mom, I said tail and not ass!) this semester I have momentum!

This semester started like any other....minus the fact that I had to wake-up on my sofa instead of a bed since I still am rather homeless and had see my roommate's naked butt (not bad by the way) when I went into his room to get my clothes since that is where my dresser currently lives and he is evidently VERY anti-pajamas.....anywho....I digress.....

I went to my first class (Organic Chemistry) and was promptly handed a syllabus that I mistook for the text book....this sucker is HUGE....this does not bode well for me!

Then....a little sunshine.....I discovered that my second class is in the exact same room as my first....this may not seem like a big deal to you, but I go to one of the largest Universities in the nation....this is a BIG deal..... I am easily impressed, but still.....

I was then released to go to my swimming class! I have been looking forward to this class for months!

First, we do a fitness test to see approximately where we are physically (I already knew the answer to this's a number and it stares up at me from the scale every morning...I don't like that number....) She tells us that she is going to pair us with partners of similar physical abilities for the semester.

After completing the test, our instructor tallies our scores while we introduce ourselves to the other members of the class. There are your typical 18 yr hard bodies that make me want to snap them like a twig (but I'm not bitter).....some older (and much larger) staff members....and the rest of us that range from twig to tank and everywhere in between....

One of the girls that introduced herself added that she is on the UT Water Polo team. She is a really fit girl...not twig....not tank.....just muscles. I mentally laughed "Thank God I won't be paired with her!"


I have no idea what my instructor was thinking, but I got stuck with Wonder Woman....

I asked her if she was sure......I mean, collegiate athlete I am not! Not even close.....I mean Water Polo? buoy...maybe.....

I looked at her and and gave her this apologetic smile that said, "sorry your got stuck with the floatation device", but she just have me this smug little smile and asked "What? Don't you think you could keep up?"

That's it.....bitch is going down!

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