

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

"Merciful death, how you love your precious guilt." - Interview With the Vampire

So I am not the nicest person....I mean Mother Theresa and I both have brown hair....and that's where comparisons end.


However, I do strive to not kick puppies and horrible things like that.....

Basically I am NO saint....but I try not to be a bitch any more than absolutely possible...

However, on Monday night I failed miserably :(

I know I can make fun of things that aught not be made fun of....

But I would NEVER knowingly hurt some one's feelings by picking on their disability in front of them.....the key word here is KNOWINGLY...

Anyway....back to Monday night....the night I found myself in my very own Seinfeld episode...

I went bowling with a few friends of mine like I do every Monday night after work. If you don't bowl, you should know that bowling is a happy-go-lucky-fun-for-all game, but there are a few general rules of courtesy. You know....kinda like "don't talk in some one's back swing" in golf.
In bowling, you don't use someone else's ball, and you when someone in the lane next to you is about to bowl, you stay back until they are done before you approach. You do NOT begin to bowl while they are bowling.
So, on Monday we were barely into our first game when I got up to bowl. I was standing at the line, ball in hand, when in the next lane a girl walked all the way to the foul line, and started to measure off steps.
Three to the right.....four back....and then she turned, just tossed the ball down the lane and walked back to her seat.
The first time, I thought "Oh, she wasn't paying attention and didn't see me."
By the fourth time in as many turns, I was MUCH less charitable. Again, she walked up right as I was about to start my bowl and went through her little ritual. I, in turn, heaved a big sigh, rolled my eyes, dropped my ball back on the carousel, crossed my arms and glared at her.
I looked over at her friends, who were watching me, and said, "Seriously?" (Yeah I watch too much Grey's Anatomy)
So about this time, she was done, so I went picked up my ball and bowled....this is the point when I knew something was amiss...
You see, the guys I was bowling with are only serious about once a year....and it wasn't time yet. But when I turned around, they were all stone faced....and looking at the ritual girl....
I turned to see what had them all so enthralled...BIG MISTAKE....
There she was, slowly walking toward the bathroom....with her cane out in front, making little tap tap taps as she went.....HOLY CRAP...she is blind!
I felt like the biggest shit! I had just thrown a fit over a blind girl! I quickly sat back down and put my face in my hands. When I had the guts to look up, it was into the faces of my friends who were obviously trying to hide their own mirth at my situation.
I don't know if she was even aware of my rudeness, but her friends definitely were. I spent the next hour avoiding their eyes. Unfortunately, the next hour was spent forgetting...not that she was blind, but more forgetting to be aware that there was a blind person around.
So, later when I was trying to call my friend Charlie's attention to something, and he was so blatantly missing it, I signed in Sign Language (yeah I can do that) the word I was trying to say and yelled, "What? Are you blind or just deaf?"
I am not usually that big of a dolt....but sure enough I turned around hoping that no one in the lane next the me had heard my second faux pas of the night....
No such luck....I blustered apologies, turned seven shades of red, and will always be remembered by that group of people as The Biggest Bitch On The Planet....a title which I unfortunately earned....

Sunday, December 7, 2008

"All the Whos down in Whoville liked Christmas a lot, but the Grinch, who lived just north of Whoville, did not." - How The Grinch Stole Christmas

Tis the Season....

I am even more into the Holidays than normal this year....and I LOVE Christmas!

I just got back from watching a Living Nativity Scene and Christmas Story at the Church by where I was beautiful....

We sat in the outdoor amphitheater under the stars and were reminded of the true reason we celebrate this time of year....I was huddled with life-long friends enjoying hot Chai tea (which, lets face it tastes like Christmas in a cup), singing carols that bring back memories of previous Christmases and portend of Christmases to come....

Now I am curled up on the couch in my new Christmas PJ's, watching Christmas movies, with the puppies curled up on me feet and next to me, and the room glowing with the lights from the Christmas tree....

Being this happy seems almost decadent....but I am willing to risk it....