

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Day 1 - "From that day on, if I was going somewhere, I was running!" - Forrest Gump

Man has it been a long time since I posted on here!

This year has been off to a great start. In an attempt to continue this roll for the rest of 2012, I am going to let you guys in on my resolutions for the new year. But first, let's talk about last year. Last year I decided to go low/no carbs or sugars. This not a fad diet for me since I have PCOS. I managed to go nine months without cheating and lost 5o pounds! For the last three months, I maintained that weight while managing to enjoy eating and drinking around the holidays.

This year, in addition to this diet, my resolution is to run 365 miles. One mile for each day, but not necessarily one mile every day. I plan on starting with 1-mile runs three or four times a week and increasing that as my body allows. I am really excited about getting back into working out. The initial pounds I lost has kept my joints from screaming in pain when I move, so it's time.

Hopefully blogging will hold me accountable for my workouts and also be source of information for those of you that have asked about my low carb recipes, etc.

For day 1, I made pot roast and cauliflower mash. They were both delicious. I am attaching a picture and the links to the recipes from the Food Network.


The Pot Roast:

Wish me luck!!!

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