

Sunday, April 26, 2009

"a) You're blocking my view. b) Which view is that? a) The one you're blocking!" -- Charade

I spent today on campus studying. Not an abnormal Sunday for me....

However, when I got the my favorite little cubby in the Union....someone was already, I went to my second favorie....taken.....and so on....

So I wondered around a while and found the Meditation Room. The instructions on the door only said that the room was designated to be used for quiet reflection. Inside the room was only a rug and a small wooden rack. I had no idea what the rack was for, but I thought "Eh....I'm gonna go reflect on my Genetics Exam" and made myself comfortable on the rug.

I had been there for a few hours, amazed by how quiet and perfect this little room was! No one had come in, no one was loudly talking on a cell phone, no one was foolish enough to believe that ear buds make a difference when you have the volume turned all the way up on your iPod. I had gotten so much done, I decided to take a break and looked around. For me, the dominating feature of the room was the very large window, which from my view, perfectly framed tower. I sat there ruminating on the view and all that the tower represents when I noticed that my perfect view was marred. Right in the middle of the window was a very large glob of bird poop.

As I am trying to ignore the poop, the door to the Meditation Room opens, and in streams a group of Muslims that are looking at me with utter confusion....and I know.....

The pretty rug I am sprawled across....the rack in the corner, a perfect size for holding shoes, but that is now being used to prop up my genetics notes.....the very large window with a clear view of the Eastern sky....I am in their prayer room! I am actually disrespecting their prayer room.

I quickly gathered up my things and practically ran from the room, but as I looked back over my shoulder to make sure I hadn't left my coffee up on a picture of Muhammad or anything, I again saw the bird doo.

Let that be a lesson....things may seem absolutely perfect, but that just means you haven't noticed the shit yet!