

Friday, February 27, 2009

In Vino Veritas

Every time my mom and I get on the phone, the conversation starts like this....

Me: Hola Madracita! Como estas? (Hi Little Mama! How are you?)

Mom: Estoy bien! Y tu? (I'm good! You?)

Me:Bien, Bien.... (Good, good....)

And then we switch to English, because that is all the Spanish Mom knows....

However today's conversation went more like this.....

Me: Hola Madracita! Como estas? (Hi Little Mama! How are you?)

Mom: Oh, bien, bien, bien MUY bien.... (Oh, good, good, good, VERY good.....)

Me: Wow, what makes you MUY bien?

Mom: Vino! (Wine!)


Ok.....guess mom learned a new Spanish word!