

Friday, December 7, 2007

Pink Elephants

We all live with pink elephants from time to time....we try to avoid them....but they are already there....that one thing that everyone knows but no one will say.

I don't live with a pink elephant. I live with a bright yellow gorilla riding sidecar to the pink elephant. I named him Frank. He has been around long enough at this point for us to be on a first name basis.

I have always had problems where my filter is concerned. Whatever comes to mind, comes out my mouth. But I have managed to filter a few things...that's how I met Frank.

I know that some things are best, those jeans don't make your butt look big....yes Mrs. Johnson, that lovely lavender shade of hair really brings out your eyes....etc. However, other things just make us see....well...Frank.

So, here it is universe (ok....maybe not so much the universe as the five people who read my blog) is what is going unsaid in my world.....




Ok...maybe next, I'm not's just that Frank kinda grows on you.....he can very sweet once you get to know him....